There are plenty of reasons why you might need to make some money quickly.
For example, maybe you just want a little extra income on the side so that you can spend it on anything you want.
Or maybe your rent is due, and you're just missing a tiny amount of cash to be able to pay it off. You could even want a way to get some extra income to accomplish other goals in the near future, like paying off your credit card debt or investing with an online trading platform or guaranteed investment certificate.
Regardless of the intention, one thing's for sure — being able to make $1,000 fast would be a pretty useful skill to have. Thankfully, it's also easier than you'd expect.
In this post, I'll go through some of the fastest ways you could make $1,000. Keep in mind that using most of these methods on their own won't help you complete the task as quickly, but by combining these ideas and using them in tandem, you can expect to make $1,000 pretty quickly.
Be aware that making $1,000 in as little time as a single day should only be done in case of an emergency — doing so on a day-to-day basis is very time-consuming and will need plenty of sacrifices on your end.
So, without further delay, here are my top 20 ideas you can use to quickly make $1,000.
#20 Cutting Your Monthly Bills
This is more of a preventive measure rather than an active measure to earn money, but if you think about it, you can also earn extra money by saving money, and cutting down your monthly bills is one of the best ways to do so.
Of course, you won’t see your cash show up immediately once you start cutting your monthly expenses. But the real power of engaging in this practice comes when spending a few hours of careful planning translates to saving a lot of money in the future without even thinking about it.
So, even if it doesn't necessarily translate to instant money, it's an idea worth considering if you want to save a thousand dollars down the line.
#19 Working As A Virtual Assistant
As a virtual assistant, you'll be tasked with providing both administrative and technical support to a company — depending on your experience and preferences, you can also offer one type of support over the other.

Usual virtual assistant activities include managing emails, managing social media, and offering customer service.
Many small business owners prefer hiring virtual assistants for part-time positions instead of full-time positions because it’s more cost-effective, so that means that this is a great opportunity for you to make $1,000 fast while staying at home and having ample time to do other tasks, like taking care of your kids.
#18 Doing Audio Transcriptions
Transcribing audio into readable scripts is an easy way of making some extra money from home. In fact, if you’re fast enough, it can actually lead you to earn an extra $1,000 in about a week.
This job involves typing out transcripts based on audio recordings for the most part, but you can also be type captions for video recordings as well.
You’ll be paid per audio minute, so typing quickly and accurately is important if your intention is to make as much money as possible. However, it's also worth mentioning that this is an extremely flexible way of making extra money because you can work whenever you want to.
#17 Selling Plasma
This might not be a method of making money you can do every day, but donating blood plasma is a great way to make some extra money.
Blood plasma donors can earn up to $400 every month, and a single plasma collection session only takes about 60 to 90 minutes to complete.
There are, however, a few requirements you need to meet in order to donate blood plasma: for example, you need to be between 18 and 65 years old, and even if you're in that age range, you will be subjected to medical checks before you can donate blood plasma.
#16 Selling Items You Create
Another effective way to make $1,000 fast is by selling creative products you've created online. It's true that you can do the same thing locally, but if you do this online, you’ll have access to a much larger audience.
Whether you’re good at making jewelry, home decor items, or literally anything else you can think of, you have a lot of opportunities to make money this way.
#15 Using Money-Making Apps
Money-making apps are a great way of making extra income with your smartphone during your spare time — it depends on what app you use, but some of them are as easy as creating a profile and doing a few simple tasks as you're watching TV.
Of course, using apps that pay higher (like Uber, Lyft, or TaskRabbit) would be the most straightforward way of getting $1,000 fast, but there's a catch — the higher the pay, the more time you'll have to spend per task.
The income you can get from apps that have easier tasks can still add up, but it will take a bit longer to do so: in short, you'll need to evaluate how quickly you want to make money before choosing an app.
If you'd like to learn more about money-making apps in general, you could take a look at my article on them here.
#14 Writing A Book
Whether you have a lot of skill in a certain subject (or subjects) that others want to learn more about, or you're just great at writing stories, then writing and publishing a book can be a great way to make some extra money.

One of the best ways to publish a book right now is through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. You’ll own the book entirely and set the price, allowing you to keep up to 70% of the sales as well as having access to Amazon’s millions of customers worldwide.
While your book may take a while to be written, it's worth noting that there are plenty of books that are self-published on the platform, and many of them are very successful despite the fact that they're quite short.
#13 Checking For Unclaimed Money lets you do a free search for money that might be owed to you.
This can include money you've left in bank accounts that you’ve forgotten about, unclaimed stocks, uncashed dividends, insurance payments, or even gift certificates that you had no idea were yours.
#12 Selling Books You Don't Use
If you have a lot of books that you've already read, don't have the time to read, or you're simply not interested in reading, then maybe this is the perfect opportunity to do something about them.
Whether it's a ton of academic books or an entire science fiction saga, there are plenty of ways you can sell books that you no longer have any use for — you could do it the traditional way by opening a stall, or you could take advantage of technology by selling them online (Facebook, in particular, is pretty useful for this).
It could take a while for your books to get sold, depending on what books you have, but overall, this is another quick way to make $1,000.
#11 Getting Into Freelance Writing
Becoming a freelance writer is a perfect way for people with a talent for words to earn a considerable amount of money.
There's a chance you won't be seeing immediate results if you're just getting started, though, and you might need to use an app like Upwork to find projects to work on and gather experience that way. But once you've become a skilled freelance writer, you can earn a lot of money through freelance writing.
#10 Getting Into Online Tutoring
You can also earn plenty of quick money if you specialize in a particular subject matter, as this allows you to become an online tutor.
There are plenty of subjects currently in demand, but some of the most sought-after are math, science (encompassing subjects like chemistry and physics), and English. Depending on the site you use to engage in online tutoring, you might also need to have more or fewer certifications in order to get started with tutoring students.
If you'd like to learn more about the online tutoring, I also have an article on the topic that you can read here.
#9 Blogging
Running a blog can be pretty hit or miss as far as success is concerned, but considering how small the initial investment is, it's definitely worth a try.

Having a successful blog is one of the best ways of earning passive income (AKA money that you earn with minimal or zero active effort), and you can learn plenty of useful skills like SEO (search engine optimization) and how to market your blog — however, it can be pretty time consuming (especially in the beginning), so make sure you give plenty of thought to this idea before fully committing to it.
Now, if you're interested in learning ways to earn passive income, you can see an article on the topic here.
#8 Doing Deliveries
You could also become a deliveryman to get some quick cash. Delivery orders tend to be mostly food and/or groceries for people who are too busy to get them themselves, but you could also deliver items coming from Amazon.
One upside to this is that there are plenty of apps that you can use for food delivery (for example, there's UberEats, Instacart, and DoorDash, just to name a few). By doing this, you could easily earn $14Â per hour or more, meaning that earning $1,000 over two days or less is completely feasible.
#7 Getting Into Data Entry
Data entry jobs can be pretty tiring, but they're also an efficient way of making quick cash.
As a data entry worker, you'll be tasked with introducing data (usually in a spreadsheet), updating databases and archives, and other data-related work.
You can expect to be paid around $17 per hour, so making $1,000 should be pretty easy once you've gotten into data entry.
#6 Proofreading
If you're pretty skilled at spotting other people's mistakes when writing (whether we're talking about spelling, grammar, and/or syntax errors), becoming a proofreader is the perfect job for you.
There are many advantages to becoming a remote proofreader — you can work from anywhere, there are plenty of job opportunities as blogging becomes more popular, and quickly making $1,000 as a proofreader is also pretty easy. The average pay you can expect as a proofreader is $26 per hour, after all.
If you'd like to know more about online proofreading jobs, there are many websites and other online platforms where you'll find great remote proofreading jobs.
#5 Renting Out Your Car
Another great way to make $1,000 fast is by renting out your car (preferably an extra vehicle you don't drive much) and make a considerable amount of money fairly quickly with it.

To do so, you can use Turo, a platform where you can list your car for rent to anyone looking for a car. It has around 14 million members and 450.000 vehicles listed to date, so there's a lot of potential to be had.
#4 Using Facebook
Facebook is a pretty versatile place for selling products and services; believe it or not — considering it's such a widely used social media platform, it's not difficult at all to find people interested in what you have to offer, especially if you use Facebook Ads to your advantage.
The downside to Facebook is that you'll probably have a slow beginning when you first create your Facebook Business page — after all, your most efficient way to promote yourself without a moderate initial investment will be through word of mouth from friends and members of popular groups relevant to what you're selling.
Once you have a reasonable budget, though, you'll be able to promote your business through paid Facebook ads, which are very effective — you might want to get some training on them to make the most out of your money, though.
#3 Website Testing
One interesting way you could make money quickly is by using a platform like UserTesting to get paid for testing apps and websites.
You can earn around $10 for every 20-minute assignment, which is pretty good — however, the demand for testers is not constant, so you’re not guaranteed to find opportunities every time you log in to the platform. In some cases, a website may only be looking for feedback from a specific demographic as well, so you'd need to qualify in order to test that website first.
With some luck, though, it's a pretty effective way of making $1,000 or more in a short period of time.
#2 Creating Online Courses
This is a more advanced way of making money because you'd need to be an expert in a particular skill or subject matter, but in case you are, then you have the option of creating an online course.
Of course, the success to be had with an online course can fluctuate a lot, but if your course performs well, then it's a big source of passive income.
As an additional tip, it'd be useful to have an existing blog or a social media account that has potential buyers — it naturally increases the likelihood of your course's success.
#1 Using Airbnb
Just like with renting out your car, another way that you could earn $1,000 really quickly is by using a spare bedroom (or your house, if you're up for it) and renting it out on Airbnb.
This depends on where you live, but the price for Airbnb rentals can range between $67 to $110 per night. And this is just for one room: you could get a lot more if you decide to rent your house for one night.
Of course, there are plenty of people who wouldn't feel comfortable with this idea, but if you're willing to do it, it's definitely one of the quickest ways of earning money on this list.
In Summary
Just as there are plenty of reasons why you might want to make $1,000 quickly, there's also a plethora of ways you can make some quick income depending on just how fast you want to do it.
I'd recommend you try these ideas one by one, and after some careful evaluation, see which ones you can combine while taking your schedule and needs into consideration to make the most out of the potential income you can earn.